
Here is where you'll find Metopia's past accomplishments, the current things our team is working on, and what our plans for the future are. Feel free to raise your ideas and reach to our team.

2022 Proof of idea of reputation with NFT communities

  • Ideation & team building

  • NFT campaigns for proof-of-concept

  • NFT community membership governance Alpha testing

  • NFT attribute & metadata integration

  • Membership data aggregation integrations with The Graph, RSS3, Ceramic, etc.

  • V1 Beta testing with 5000+ participants

  • Raffle & non-transferable badge protocol launch

  • EVM blockchain integrations by supporting Polygon and Binance Smart Chain

2023 Chain ecosystem exploration, Badge protocol, loyalty system as service with onchain quests and verified raffles

  • Made a slight rebranding to a contribution-based loyalty platform

  • ERC-20 token voting support

  • Multi-blockchain integrations by supporting Sei

  • Enhanced membership data aggregation integrations with Chainlink, Next.ID, etc

  • Update non-transferable badge protocol with a management dashboard

  • Launch incentive experience points and levels system so projects are able to give out loyalty points based on their community members' contributions

  • Add more diversity to our incentive system with prize pools, etc

  • Improve the Spaces dashboard with detailed statistics to show more data

2024 Q1-Q2

  • Data API launch

  • metopia.xyz launch with 50+ verified credentials with top projects

  • blast.metopia.xyz launch

  • artela.metopia.xyz launch

  • 5+ Frames on Farcaster protocol

  • 10+ campaigns, 20+ twitter spaces

2024 Q3-Q4

  • Metopia Mobile App Release

  • Open-Sourced Codebase

  • Decentralized Network: Involving more roles/participants

  • Incentive Design and Distribution

  • Expansion of Use Cases and Partnerships

  • Cultivating an active and influential community based on individual reputations

Last updated